School Uniform
Our school uniform shows us that we are part of our Cherry Tree community. It allows us the feeling of pride and promotes belonging. We expect our children to wear a full school uniform to school and on school trips (unless specified otherwise). We are proud to wear our logo and school colours!
Our school uniform is:
Day Wear:
- Red logo sweatshirt/cardigan
- White logo polo shirt
- Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore dress/red gingham dress
- Grey plain socks/tights
- Plain black shoes or plain black trainers. Boots may be worn to school in the winter months but children must change into shoes or plimsolls in the classroom.
PE Kit:
- White logo t-shirt
- Red shorts
- Grey tracksuit bottoms
- Grey logo PE bag
- Trainers for outdoors / Plimsolls for indoors
Optional items:
- Grey logo book bag
- Grey logo rucksack
- Grey logo fleece – to be worn as a coat or additional layer in the Winter
- Grey logo hat/scarf
School Uniform Provider
Our school uniform is provided by a local company, Beat School Uniforms. As well as being available at their shop, items can be ordered and delivered to your home address, free of charge for orders over £20.
Beat School Uniform’s Contact Details: / 020 33622930 / 116 The Parade, High Street, Watford, WD17 1BD
Uniform costs
We have reviewed the recent parliamentary bill, Education (Guidance about the costs of school uniform) Act 2021. We are confident that our uniform costs are reasonable for all families of all backgrounds and give parents the best value for money.