This is an award for schools that have attended the National Nurturing Schools Programme (NNSP) and which have succeeded in creating a nurturing culture for the children and young people in their care.

Nurture is a tried and tested way of relating to children that helps them develop vital social skills, confidence and self-esteem, and become ready to learn.  The concept of nurture highlights the importance of social environments – who you are with and not who you are born to – and its significant influence on social and emotional skills, wellbeing and behaviour.

The nurturing approach to education offers a range of opportunities for children and young people to engage with missing early nurturing experiences, giving them the social and emotional skills to do well at school and with peers, and to develop their resilience and self-confidence. It encourages pupils to take pride in achieving - addressing the social and emotional needs that can hamper learning.  It is based on the Six Principles of Nurture that have successfully underpinned nurturing approaches for over 50 years.  

The school was assessed against a set of NNSP Standards, outlined during the National Nurturing Schools Programme, which cover three main areas: Stakeholders, Delivery, and Leadership & Management.

To establish that Cherry Tree met each of these standards, evidence was assessed via discussion, interviews, observation and through electronic evidence. 

This award is evidence of Chery Tree's commitment and success in implementing and embedding a nurturing culture that responds to the social, emotional and mental health needs of its pupils, alongside their academic studies. 


Below are some of the comments from the report:

“At Cherry Tree happiness and celebration was the golden thread that ran throughout the assessment visit. “

“This is a school that is constantly pushing boundaries and looking for opportunities to grow and develop. For example, they work in collaboration with the community to utilise an allotment next door to the school which has received 5* RHS garden status and have been asked to be ambassadors for this programme.”


“Cherry Tree provides a harmonious balance of nurture and academia. Through the forward thinking, sheer hard work and boundless creativity of their staff, they seize every precious opportunity that comes their way. Always remaining true to their core beliefs, which are at one with the Six Principles of Nurture. Both are used as compass points, to explore new territory in their desire to create the ultimate nurturing experience for the children and their families and a brighter future for all. It was truly a pleasurable, humbling experience and one which will remain with me for a very long time.”